
SoftPython English

NOTE: Latest news are published at the top of book home

August 11, 2022: added Applications: Database tutorial, fixed some visualization bug in Python Tutor

April 16, 2022: added a lot of worked projects (ported from sciprog course exams)

January 2022: English version is mostly complete and usable as introductory course material

See Github issues for missing parts.

November 4, 2021: restructured relational data, added challenges

October 29, 2021: restructured pandas intro page

October 28, 2021: substituted graph stuff in visualization intro with other exercises

October 15, 2021: added formats challenges, moved graph formats and binary relations to relational data section

October 14, 2021 added functions, matrix lists challenges and mixed structures challenges

October 8, 2021 added for, while, sequences challenges

October 7, 2021: added sets, dictionary, if challenges

October 1, 2021: added lists and tuples challenges

September 30, 2021: added string challenges

September 22, 2021:

  • major update, added new exercises and pages

  • added worked projects section

October 3, 2020: updated References page

July 2020

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